posted Mar 3, 2025, 10:49 AM

March 2025 Newsletter
Please be sure to read through our monthly newsletters to stay updated with YKGC.
You can also check out our website and social media platforms
Facebook Instagram Website
Welcome to the 2025-2026 Executive and Members at Large
Sarah Kalnay-Watson- President
Chelsea Francis- Vice President
Michael Carlson- Treasurer/Secretary
Amanda Grobbecker- Director of Sponsorship and Fundraising
Cassandra Cudd- Member at Large
Alexandra Vandevalk- Member at Large
Katelyn Fabien-Ferrol- Member at Large
Michelle Steele- Member at Large
Natalie Sveinsson- Member at Large
Kate Mansfield- Member at Large
Nicole Taff- Member at Large
Dana Kalluak- Member at Large
We have a busy schedule coming up, be sure to mark your calendars!
Wednesday March 12: Last day of recreational classes
Saturday March 15: Spring registration opens
Monday March 17-20- Closed for maintenance
Monday March 24-28- March Break Camp
Saturday April 5- First day of recreational classes
Friday April 18- Closed for Good Friday
Sunday April 20- Closed for Easter Sunday
Saturday May 17-18- Closed for May Long Weekend
Monday May 19- Closed for Victoria Day
Saturday May 31- Closed for Territorial Championships
Sunday June 1- Closed for staff development
Friday June 14- Last day of spring classes
Check out our Drop-In's
Active Start Drop-In (Trampoline's are closed)
Wednesday's: 11:00-12:00 PM
All Age Drop-In
- Friday's: 7:30-8:30 PM
- Saturday's: 6:30-7:30 PM
Adult Drop-In
Thursday's: 8:00-9:30 PM
Under 1yr = Free
Children under the age of 6 are not permitted use of trampoline devices. All children under the age of 6 must be accompanied by an parent/guardian.
We are hiring for multiple positions!
- Part Time Recreational & Competitive coaches
- Full Time Recreational & Competitive Lead Coaches
Who We Are?
Since 2003, the Yellowknife Gymnastics Club (YKGC) has been operating out of a gymnastics facility within the Multiplex Arena - the only dedicated gymnastics facility within the NWT.
The facility was created when the community rallied together with many companies, organizations and
individuals stepping up to raise and/or donate funds. So, you could say that our foundation was built
on the commitment, support and generosity of our community.
The YKGC is a non-profit organization run by a volunteer Board of Directors and relies on parents, athletes and the community-at-large who support the YKGC through volunteering and fundraising.
Our Mission
It is the goal of the YKGC to provide recreational and competitive gymnastics in a safe, supportive and fun environment that promotes overall fitness, skill development and self-esteem.

Please consider being a Corporate Sponsor at the level that best suits your needs. We invite you to support and become a part of the Yellowknife Gymnastics Club community!
How Can You Help?
The Yellowknife Gymnastics Club invites you to partner with us and become a Corporate Sponsor.
A large number of athletes participate in our programs every year so our equipment is well-used and as such needs to be maintained and/or replaced to ensure cleanliness, functionality and safety. Even with all the parents who donate their time and efforts and the revenues generated from our fees, there is simply not enough funding to cover the costs of new equipment or to adequately maintain our facility. This is how corporate sponsorship can help.
For more information contact
Jessica Smith, General Manager,